Sarah Klongerbo writing on her laptop about brand voice and point of view (POV)

POV: You’re Writing with the Perfect Brand Voice (Here’s How)

We talk about “brand voice” a lot in marketing… but what about “brand point of view”?

“Point of view” (POV) may insinuate the way you see, but in copywriting, it’s more about the way you speak.

And since the way you speak is critical to how you’re perceived by your target audience — and whether or not they want to work with you — your POV is pretty important to master.

The 3 Types of Point of View (POV)

Which POV does your brand typically use?

  1. First person: “I am a licensed marriage and family therapist.”
  2. Second person: “You deserve a quality cup of coffee.”
  3. Third person: “Awesome Company has been serving clients since 1949.”

My go-to POV in copywriting is second person, because it directly addresses your audience, pulls them into the story, and allows them to more easily picture themselves as your client or customer.

First person is a natural complement to second person, though it should be used more sparingly — basically just to convey authority or establish personality. (Note: If you have a team, watch for inconsistent use of “I” vs. “we.”)

Third person is more distant and formal. While I find it generally less engaging than the others, third person is appropriate for more professional brands that want to appear knowledgeable and objective.

How Your Brand POV Impacts Your Brand Voice

The POV you pick makes a massive impact on your overall brand voice (and personality).

Take my recent client Passera Events for example. After originally crafting their copy in the first and second person, we decided the third person was more fitting for the sophisticated image they wanted to portray:

As your full-service luxury wedding planner, I will guide you through the entire process with unparalleled, personalized service. Starting with our very first consultation, I aim to develop a genuine connection with you, so I can discover your values, decode your needs, and translate them to a uniquely designed, perfectly produced event.As a full-service luxury wedding planner, Tori Perano guides her clients through the entire process with unparalleled, personalized service. Starting with the very first consultation, she aims to develop a genuine connection with the couple, so she can discover their values, decode their needs, and translate them to a uniquely designed, perfectly produced event.

See how the third-person POV automatically creates a more elevated, even exclusive air?

That’s intentional. A more casual brand voice might be attractive to some, but it could be off putting to the ultra-luxury clients that Passera Events works with.

And brand and website copywriting is all about attracting not just any clients, but the right ones. 

Bottom line: Want to attract the right clients? Use the right point of view. (And keep it consistent across your brand.)

POV: You’re Writing with the Perfect Brand Voice (Here’s How)


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