Sarah Klongerbo flipping a page, representing readable marketing content

An Easy Way to Make Your Marketing Content 2x More Readable

Want to make sure your marketing content actually gets read?

Here’s an easy trick to make your copy instantly more readable. (And I mean easy — it literally takes one click!)

Write Shorter Paragraphs. Here’s Why.

Don’t be afraid of the “return” key.

In fact, you might want to try hitting it after every sentence you write.

Why? Because studies show that when people read content online, they’re more than twice as likely to pay attention to short paragraphs as they are to long ones.

If you’ve ever seen a website heatmap, you know people’s eyes gravitate toward the left side of the screen. Your readers are likely to read the first two words in a headline, the first two sentences in a paragraph, and the first two paragraphs on a page… and that’s about it.

Unless, that is, those first two words / sentences / paragraphs have captured their attention.

To ensure your content gets read to the end, keep your paragraphs short — especially on mobile.

Consider the 1-2-3-4-5 Test suggested by journalism professor Jon Ziomek:

  • 1 idea, expressed in
  • 2 –3 sentences, taking up no more than
  • 4 –5 lines on the page

“You must cut the meat into little pieces,” he says.

In other words, for your content to be easily digestible, you need to make it look less daunting, more delicious.


Bottom line: Big chunks of text are a bear to read. Break ’em up.

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An Easy Way to Make Your Marketing Content 2x More Readable


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